Inflation Calculator


Introducing our Inflation Calculator—a powerful tool designed to shed light on the often underestimated impact of inflation on financial planning. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, making it essential to consider its effects when setting savings goals, planning for retirement, or evaluating investment returns. Our Inflation Calculator enables you to accurately project future expenses and savings targets by factoring in the anticipated inflation rate.

What is Inflation?

Inflation represents the pace at which specific goods and services prices change over time, reflecting a general increase in the cost of everyday items. Expressed as a percentage, it signifies the decline in currency’s value in terms of purchasing power.

Consider the price evolution of a litre of toned milk, which cost INR 25 in 2010 but escalated to INR 55 by 2024. This surge reflects the diminishing purchasing power of the currency, wherein the same INR 25 now only buys half the amount of milk. This erosion of purchasing power elucidates how money buys less of a product over time.

Moreover, INR 1 lakh holds its current value today. In 20 years, with an assumed inflation rate of 7%, its worth would decline to INR 3.87 Lacs, underscoring the substantial impact of inflation on long-term financial planning.

Inflation Calculator

What is an Inflation Calculator?

An Inflation Calculator is a financial tool designed to quantify the impact of inflation on the purchasing power of money over time. It allows users to estimate the future value of a sum of money, adjusted for the effects of inflation. By factoring in the expected or historical average inflation rate and the duration of the investment or savings period, the calculator provides insights into how inflation will affect the real value of money in the future. An Inflation Calculator helps individuals and investors make informed financial decisions by allowing them to anticipate and plan for the erosion of purchasing power caused by inflation.

How the Inflation Calculator Works:

1. Initial Amount: Users input the amount of money they wish to evaluate regarding their future purchasing power.

2. Inflation Rate: Next, users specify the expected or historical average inflation rate, which determines the rate at which prices are expected to rise over time.

3. Time Frame: Users enter the duration over which they want to assess the impact of inflation, whether for short-term planning or long-term financial goals.

4. Adjusted Value: The Inflation Calculator computes and presents the adjusted value of the initial amount, considering the effects of inflation over the specified time frame.

How is Inflation Calculated?

Inflation is typically calculated using various economic indices, like the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), which track changes in the prices of a basket of goods and services over time. The method for determining the inflation rate using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is as outlined below:

Inflation Rate = ((Current CPI – Previous CPI) / Previous CPI) * 100


  • Current CPI represents the Consumer Price Index in the current period.
  • Previous CPI represents the Consumer Price Index in the previous period.

The result is multiplied by 100 to express the inflation rate as a percentage.

For example, if the CPI were 120 in the current period and 110 in the previous period, the inflation rate would be:

Inflation Rate = ((120 – 110) / 110) * 100 ≈ 9.09%

This calculation estimates the percentage price change over the specified period, indicating the inflation rate.

Benefits of Inflation Calculator

Benefits of using an Inflation Calculator include:

1. Financial Planning: An Inflation Calculator helps individuals and businesses plan for future expenses and investments by accounting for the effects of inflation. It allows for more accurate long-term financial projections.

2. Informed Decision Making: By understanding how inflation affects the value of money over time, users can make informed choices about savings, investments, and retirement planning.

3. Realistic Goal Setting: Inflation calculators enable users to set realistic financial goals by providing insights into the future purchasing power of their money. This helps in setting achievable savings targets and retirement goals.

4. Mitigating Financial Risk: By anticipating future inflation rates, individuals and businesses can take proactive steps to mitigate the effects of inflation on their finances. This may include investing in assets that historically provide returns higher than the inflation rate.

5. Comparing Investments: Inflation calculators allow users to compare the real returns of different investment options by adjusting for inflation. This helps in evaluating the real performance of investment portfolios over time.

6. Educational Tool: Inflation calculators serve as educational tools, helping users understand the concept of inflation and its implications on personal finances. They provide a practical way to visualise the erosion of purchasing power over time.

An Inflation Calculator is a valuable tool for individuals and businesses, providing insights and guidance for making sound financial decisions in an inflationary environment.

How Does Inflation Impact Your Savings?

Inflation can have several impacts on savings:

1. Erosion of Purchasing Power: As prices rise over time due to inflation, the purchasing power of money diminishes. This implies that the same amount of money will buy fewer goods and services in the future compared to today. As a result, the real value of savings diminishes over time if the interest earned on savings does not outpace the inflation rate.

2. Lower Real Returns: If the interest rate earned on savings falls below the inflation rate, the real return on savings becomes negative. Even though the nominal value of savings may increase, the purchasing power of those savings decreases, resulting in a loss of wealth over time.

3. Need for Higher Returns: To maintain the purchasing power of savings and achieve financial goals, individuals may need to seek out investments that offer returns higher than the inflation rate. This may involve taking on more risk by investing in shares, bonds, or other assets that historically provide higher returns over the long term.

4. Impact on Retirement Planning: Inflation can significantly impact retirement savings and income. If retirement savings fail to keep up with inflation, retirees may discover that their standard of living diminishes over time. It is vital to consider inflation when planning for retirement and ensure that savings and investments are inflation-adjusted to maintain purchasing power in retirement.

Inflation can gradually diminish the value of savings over time, necessitating proactive measures to preserve purchasing power and achieve long-term financial goals.

How to Overcome Inflation?

Overcoming the impact of inflation requires proactive financial strategies. Here are some ways to mitigate the effects of inflation:

1. Invest in Real Assets: Real assets like real estate, commodities (like silver and gold), and infrastructure tend to retain or increase in value over time, providing a hedge against inflation. Investing in these assets can help preserve purchasing power.

2. Stocks and Equities: Historically, stocks have outperformed inflation over the long term. Investing in stocks of companies with solid fundamentals and growth potential can provide returns that outpace inflation, helping to grow wealth over time.

3. Inflation-Linked Bonds: Governments issue inflation-linked bonds, also known as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), which adjust their principal value with inflation. Investing in TIPS can provide a guaranteed return above inflation, preserving the real value of savings.

4. Diversification: Diversifying investments across various asset classes can help spread risk and minimise the impact of inflation on a portfolio. A well-diversified portfolio may include a blend of shares, bonds, real estate, and other assets to mitigate the effects of inflation.

5. High-Yield Savings Accounts: While traditional savings accounts may offer low-interest rates that do not keep pace with inflation, high-yield savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs) could offer higher interest rates, helping offset inflation’s effects on savings.

6. Regular Review and Adjustments: It’s essential to regularly review financial goals, investment portfolios, and retirement plans to ensure they are aligned with the prevailing inflation rate. Adjusting savings and investment strategies can help maintain purchasing power over time.

7. Increase Earning Potential: Investing in education, acquiring new skills, or seeking higher-paying job opportunities can help increase earning potential, enabling individuals to keep up with rising prices and maintain their standard of living despite inflation.

By implementing these strategies, individuals can better navigate the challenges posed by inflation and preserve the purchasing power of their savings and investments over the long term.

Final Words:

In conclusion, the Inflation Calculator is invaluable for individuals and businesses. It provides crucial insights into the often underestimated impact of inflation on financial planning. By accurately projecting future expenses and savings targets, individuals can better prepare for the erosion of purchasing power caused by inflation.

Moreover, understanding the mechanics of inflation calculation and its implications on savings and investments empowers individuals to make informed decisions, set realistic financial goals, and implement proactive strategies to mitigate the effects of inflation.

By leveraging the benefits of the Inflation Calculator and adopting proactive financial measures, individuals can navigate the challenges posed by inflation and preserve the purchasing power of their wealth over the long term, ensuring a more secure financial future.